Sunday, July 28, 2013

[Needs no title]

There arent words to describe right now. This moment. 12:17am, Monday, July 29, 2013. There is no title this post that would be good enough.

This is it.

And it's been a long day....

I dont type that hoping for sympathy, or even empathy. Just to state that if you find a few typos or a sentence that doesn't quite flow, maybe you can lend me some grace! :)

So here is the recap:
- Tuesday night: We got confirmation that we needed to be in Ghana for court that next week
- Wednesday- we met with our case worker, booked our flights and overnighted our VISA applications to the consulate
- Thursday- I canceled our flights because the plan sucked and we started over. We found awesome flights! Chad also put in his resignation at his current position (of 5+ years)! He is following God's leading and provision to move into a different position with the youth employment training program at Wedgwood. It provides an incredible amount of flexibility that will be awesome when little guy is home.
- Friday & Saturday- we had our fundraiser yard sale and it was awesome! We raised over $2500 in two days. Again, we met some amazing people, heard some touching adoption stories and received encouragement from several random strangers. First of all, God gets all the glory! For the timing of the sale with the financial cost of the tickets.  It really is amazing how He pulls things together. Second, we have a lot of people to thank...again... and again, there is truly is no sufficient way to express the gratitude we feel for our friends who made this happen. You know who you are and we hope you know how much you mean to us.
- Sunday- Ran more errands and packed. I think I feel ready. As ready as we can be, I guess...  I have had Chad check my bags several times since I usually forget something important.

We aren't convinced that the true, unbridled excitement has kicked in yet...mostly we have felt some eclectic mix of nerves, stress and excitement.

We have thought and talked through the hundred different ways meeting little Kweku could go... It literally shakes me on the inside to know that I will be meeting my son in a few days. It is unfathomable that in as soon as next Friday, I could legally be a parent....responsible for a little person...even if he is half a world away from me. It doesnt really matter, does it? People say that your parental instincts just kick in automatically. Mine seem to be in overdrive right about now. Blame it on the lack of sleep, the 2nd glass of wine im drinking or in the plain and simple truth that this is it...the moment I have been waiting for....waiting since the fist time I heard about adoption and knew it was for me!

Anyway... we will keep you posted as bet as we can. We fly out of Detroit Monday evening and will likely have sporadic and unreliable internet access in Africa.

Sigh... (the happy, full kind)

Hmmm, I really did think this would be short and sweet...I tend to ramble when I am tired! :)

1 comment:

  1. We love you ALL so much and cannot wait to see how God orchestrates these days of bringing your family together. We are so proud of you! We are so excited for you! We love you!
