Tuesday, July 23, 2013

We're goin to Ghana!!!

We barely believe what is about to be typed...

Just this morning, we received an email from our caseworker informing us that our custody court date in Ghana has been scheduled!!!  "When?" (you might be asking).

...for next week Friday...


I know, right???

We are heading to Ghana in 7 days! 

We will meet our son in 9 days!

We could legally be parents in 10 days!

We totally thought this part of the process would take longer (whatever! We have known this was coming for over a year- (its kinda like when people say that Christmas snuck up on them...) that's just silly)...we thought we would have more notice on our court date (you know I am totally freaking out right now!)...but in reality this is just about right. :)

Isnt this how God works?

The weekend we are scheduled to have what could be our biggest fundraiser yet, is the same weekend we will need to book two last minute flights to Ghana costing somewhere in the ball park of $4000+. We have always had just enough, just in time...

Stay tuned!


  1. Woo Hoo!! Total tears of happiness over here. Our God is so amazingly greater than we can imagine isn't He? Praying for you as you make your travel arrangements and meet your boy! The joy (and fear - good fear, mind you) will be like nothing you've ever experienced. Its wonderful! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. oh wow, I'm weeping and typing and weeping -----yay yay yay!!!! Soooooo excited! Love you all
