Sunday, October 6, 2013

A little self-discipline

I can be stubborn. 

I rarely listen the first time. Sometimes I listen the 2nd time. Often it takes 3 or more times for something to really stand out to me. So ideas or thoughts typically stream through my mind several times before I take them very seriously. 

Over the last few weeks, as my worldly hope of Kwe being home by Christmas has begun to fad, the idea of really doing something radical with this time has continually invaded my mind. Pause for a second. Before we go further, I want to explain "my worldly hope". I dont want you to be confused in where my true hope lies. I still believe that God is writing this adoption story, that He has a plan and a purpose and that He is the source of my peace. At any moment, a miracle can happen and only God would get the glory. 

Now, having said all that, the fact that I am currently privy to, tell me that 'my timing' may not be 'THE timing'. Like previous times in my life, realizing that I dont have as much control over my situation as I think, I am faced with a fork in the road. I can take the kick and stay down, groaning under the weight of unfairness,  bad timing and countless hoops and hurdles. I can become complacent. I can wait. Wait for the adoption ban to be lifted in Ghana, wait for my mandatory furlough days and accompanying 10% pay cut to expire, wait for our debt to slowly melt away, wait for spring to be back, wait.  I can accept mediocrity. 


I can see this as an unexpected opportunity. A while back Chad read a book called "The Leader Who Had No Title" by Robin Sharma. I think it was influential in sparking many of the life changes he has made. I read it (well, most of it) and put it away. A few weeks ago, I came across his website again which led to watching a few of his videos, which reminded me that achievement is a choice.  I can resolve to get something out of this period of my life, rather than just longing for the next one. It would be a shame to miss the lessons I am supposed to be learning now and have to go thru them again. 

Robin Sharma says that "your performance broadcasts your beliefs". If I believe that I have this choice, but cooly accept the circumstances for what they are, bumbling through life, what kind of message does that really send about who I am? I, like Mr. Sharma, believe that your "standards and commitments determine the way that you live". 

So it's time for a self check. 

Does my life broadcast the convictions that I hold? 

I want so badly to say 'yes'. But if I am being completely transparent (and what's the point of being anything less) I know the more truthful answer is 'no'. I have been exercising less, eating worse, swearing more, watching too much tv and therefore, feeling more stressed, anxious, unhealthy and unsatisfied. There it is. The cold, hard truth. 

Time for action. Time for a change. Its going to take a radical step. A big committment. I often say 'go big or go home' and I think it's because I am not good at doing things half way. It doesn't feel good and it doesn't stick.

People used to say it took only 21 days to develop a new habit. The latest research says the magic number is 66. Just to be safe, I pick 84. 12 weeks. From now (Monday, October 7) through Sunday, December 28 I am committing to:

Mental/Spiritual Discipline 

  • Daily devotions - a minimum of half an hour with God
  • Daily journaling - specifically recording 3 things from the previous day: a success (little or big), something I'm grateful for and something I learned
  • Daily learning - I will read, watch or listen to something that expands my mind or challenges my thinking
  • Practice saying "no" - sigh...

Physical Discipline

  • Exercise 5 days a week, Monday - Friday - run, walk or yoga
  • Eat better - gluten free & as close to vegan as possible (eggs being the exception- let's not get too crazy here!!!)
  • Eat less - overeating means that your body works extra hard digesting, which wastes a ton of energy
  • Drink more water - my goal is 70oz/day
  • No food after 8pm - riiiiight

Financial Discipline

  • Tithe 10% - I always struggle with this... ill be setting up automatic withdrawal tonight
  • Spend less - enough said
  • Earn more - Ill be looking for additional job opportunities to achieve our debt payoff goal ($3000 by 12/28) while also looking for things to refurbish/repurpose/make and then sell to raise adoption funds. 

Unfortunately, all of this will not fit in my current life schedule. So, I am making the bold (and utterly terrifying) commitment to wake up at 5am Monday through Friday. (Um, excuse me. What did she just say?!?!?! She hates mornings!!!) 

Practicing this level of self discipline for 12 weeks isnt going to be easy. I give you permission to check in with me, to challenge me and to hold me accountable. :) God knows, Ill need the help and support. Through this I hope to find an energized body, a focused mind and a renewed purpose. See ya on the flip side!

There is a method behind the madness! Check it:

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, dear Shandra, and you are inspiring me - except that whole 5 a.m. thing is probably not going to happen. But I will join you in eating better, exercising more, and daily devotions - and each time I do those things I will pray for you. Promise. Are you praying? Just checking in...
